27 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Penyaluran Dan Pengembalian KUT Pola Khusus

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    EnglishThe government of lndonesia has implemented a new credit scheme for farmers, KUT Special Scheme (KUT SS) in order to support food self-sufficiency program. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of KUT SS for farmers. This study employed before and after the KUT SS implemented to farmers. Primary data obtained by interviewing farmers, farmer groups, field extension agencies, cooperative village unit, technical administration staff, and banks involved in KUT SS. The data were analyzed by descriptive method and econometric statistics technique (simple multiple regression analysis). The study shows that farmers preferred to receive KUT SS in cash money, not in a physical form such as fertilizer, seeds, herbicides and pesticides. Farmers also preferred to retum back the KUT SS to their farmer group instead of the bank or cooperative village unit. The KUT SS has successfully increased farmers' production and income. The study find that factors affecting collectability of credit are level of farmer group class, farmer's experience on taking the credit before, savings in KUD or farmer group, participation in making RDKK, kind of credit, time of taking credit, frequency of meeting, commodity, acreage of farmer, and frequency of extension from PPL and KUD.IndonesianDalam rangka mendukung swasembada pangan, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan skim kredit baru yang disebut Kredit Usaha Tani Pola Khusus (KUT PK). Salah satu perbedaan paling menonjol antara KUT PK dengan KUT yang sudah dijalankan adalah dipersingkatnya prosedur peminjaman dari 12 tahap menjadi hanya tiga tahap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas pemberian KUT PK terhadap petani. Secara khusus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengidentifikasi karakteristik petani penerima KUT PK; dan (2) Mengevaluasi efektivitas pemberian KUT PK terhadap peningkatan produksi dan pendapatan petani. Pengukuran penelitian dilakukan dengan metode sebelum dan setelah pemberian kredit. Data primer dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara dari petani, kelompok tani, penyuluh pertanian lapangan (PPL), Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD), tenaga teknis administratif (TTA), dan bank pemberi KUT PK. Sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yang didasarkan pada peranan (pangsa) pemberi KUT PK, jumlah bank pemberi KUT, serta cukup mewakili wilayah Indonesia. Khusus penarikan sampel petani penerima KUT PK dilakukan berdasarkan two stages stratified random sampling. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif tabulasi dengan metode statistik ekonometrik (regresi ganda sederhana). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petani lebih menyukai pemberian kredit dalam bentuk tunai dan mengembalikan kredit melalui kelompok tani daripada ke bank dan KUD. Selanjutnya KUT PK telah memberikan dampak positif bagi petani dalam peningkatan produksi dan pendapatan

    Analysis of Re-purchase Intention by Hybrid Rice Seed Farmers

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    Rice demand will continue to increase along with the project rate of population increase. The use of quality seed was the thing to get attention. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the factors that affect the interest in the purchase of hybrid rice seeds by farmers. The analysis showed that the factors affecting the purchase of hybrid rice seed is the attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control. Perceived behavioral control or perceived behavior control according to respondents, it is a factor that determines the first to affect the level of the purchase of hybrid rice seeds. A further factor affecting is subjective norm then the last one is the attitude. Purchase behavior of hybrid rice by farmers in the marketing area Region I Sukamandi PT Sang Hyang Seri is influenced by the contact farmer who can be contacted, the suggestion of extension local hybrid rice, and the influence of most small marketing is done by PT Sang Hyang Seri itself. Variables influence the perception of control behavior which is in contrary to existing theories. The analysis showed a negative influence, that is, it is possible for farmers who are in the hybrid rice production center. In addition, the general marketing of rice farmers in the region Region I Sukamandi PT Sang Hyang Seri using rice seeds last in 2014, in which time was the existence of government subsidies that encourage farmers to use hybrid seeds in order to increase national rice production

    Kepuasan Peternak Mitra Terhadap Kemitraan Model Contract Farming USAha Ternak Broiler Di Provinsi Jawa Barat Dan Banten

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kepuasan para peternak mitra, (2) menganalisis tingkat kepuasan para peternak mitra, dan (3) merumuskan implikasi manajerial untuk meningkatkan kepuasan para peternak mitra terhadap kualitas produk dan pelayanan. Desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif melalui focus group discussion dan kuesioner terstruktur. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah internal gap analysis, external gap analysis, customer satisfaction index, expectation-performance analysis, dan modified expectation-performance analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (a) kualitas produk memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kualitas pelayanan. (b) peternak mitra kurang puas dengan indeks kepuasan konsumen sebesar 48%. (c) terdapat perbedaan indeks kepuasan antar strata yang diteliti, antara peternak mitra yang telah lama mengikuti kerja sama kemitraan dengan SBU Kemitraan Region Jawa Barat memiliki indeks kepuasan yang lebih baik (49%) dibandingkan dengan peternak mitra yang baru mengikuti kerja sama kemitraan (47%). Implikasi manajerial untuk meningkatkan kepuasan mitra sangat terkait dengan skema kontrak kemitraan, day old chick, pakan, obat-obatan, dan pembayaran yang tepat waktu

    Pengaruh Beban Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Cabang Krekot

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    Beban kerja sangat penting bagi sebuah Perusahaan.Dengan pemberian beban kerja yang efektif Perusahaan dapat mengetahui sejauh mana karyawannya dapat diberikan beban kerja yang maksimal dan sejauh mana pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja Perusahaan itu sendiri.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh beban kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan Bank Rakyat Indonesia (persero) Tbk Cabang Krekot. Data diperoleh dari 127 responden, uji chi square digunakan untuk mengetahui sikap responden terhadap variabel beban kerja dan kinerja berdasarkan faktor demografik. Hasil uji chi square menunjukan adanya perbedaan sikap berdasarkan demografik responden. Hasil analisis rank spearman menunjukan bahwa variabel beban kerja memiliki korelasi dengan variabel kinerja, sementara untuk sub variabel lainnya saling memiliki korelasi namun tingkat korelasinya rendah. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh beban kerja terhadap kinerja kerja karyawan Bank Rakyat Indonesia Cabang Krekot digunakan teknik analisis statistika Structural Equation Modelling berbasis variance dengan Metode Partial Least Square (PLS), hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa beban kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara langsung terhadap kinerja Karyawan BRI Cabang Krekot pada tingkat signifikansi 5% (p = 0.10882), maka hipotesis awal terima Ho dengan t hitung 13.45 lebih besar dari t tabel 1.9

    Strategi Pengembangan USAha Sapi Potong (Studi Kasus CV Mitra Tani Farm)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu 1) menganalisis kondisi lingkungan internal dan eksternal CV Mitra Tani Farm, 2) mengidentifikasi dan menetapkan strategi yang memengaruhi dalam pengembangan bisnis sapi potong di CV Mitra Tani Farm, dan 3) menetapkan prioritas strategi dalam pengembangan USAha peternakan sapi potong di CV Mitra Tani Farm. Model analisis strategi (David, 2009) yang digunakan yaitu analisis lingkungan internal dan eksternal, Perumusan strategi dan prioritas strategi. Pada tahap Perumusan strategi digunakan SWOT 4 Kuadran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selisih skor terbobot antara peluang dan ancaman serta kekuatan dan kelemahan, diketahui CV Mitra Tani Farm berada pada kuadran satu matriks SWOT 4 Kuadran. Kuadran pertama (kuadran pertumbuhan) memiliki delapan strategi, namun hanya tiga yang dapat diterapkan secara tepat. Hasil nilai ketertarikan menggunakan quantitatif strategic planning matrix strategi yang digunakan yaitu strategi perluasan pasar, kemudian strategi pengembangan produk, strategi diversifikasi konsentrik. Oleh karena itu, dalam menjalankan strategi perluasan pasar, CV Mitra Tani Farm perlu melakukan trobosan promosi. Dalam strategi pengembangan produk, sebaiknya CV Mitra Tani Farm membuat produk olahan daging sapi yang unik dan masih jarang di pasar saat ini

    Land Use Planning of Way Betung Watershed for Sustainable Water Resources Development of Bandar Lampung City

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    Way Betung watershed is one of the important water resources in Lampung Province and it provides a clean water for Bandar Lampung City through a regional water supply company (PDAM). By the increase of population and economical activities of Bandar Lampung City, the need of clean water also increase, however by the time, the conditions of Way Betung watershed as water resources are declining. Therefore, to improve or to restore WayBetung watershed, a high cost is needed. The research was aimed: (a) to study the effects of Way Betung watershed land use change on the water resources of Bandar Lampung City, (b) to arrange the sustainable development of Way Betung watershed in order to maintain the availability of water resources. The sustainable developments of water resources of Way Betung watershed were arranged in five alternatives/scenarios and each alternative was related toits erosion (USLE method) and its run off volume (SCS method). The results showed that land use changes of Way Betung watershed (1991-2006) were likely to increase daily maximum discharge (Q max), to decrease daily minimum discharge (Q min), to increase fluctuation of river discharge, and to increase yearly run off coeffcient. The best sustainable development of water resources of Way Betung watershed, Lampung Province, was alternative/scenario-4 (forest as 30% of watershed areas + alley cropping in the mix garden). This alternative will decrease erosion to the level lower than tolerable soil loss and also decrease fluctuation of monthly run off

    Model Ketahanan Kelompok Tani pada Wilayah dan Komoditas yang Berbeda di Jawa

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    The Green Revolutions failure caused many farmer groups to cease their activities, even though they had to fulfill many needs. This situation created a need to develop a model for group survival. With those afore mentioned background, this research was conducted. Data was collected in September and October 2005 involving rice, soybean, corn and vegetables farmer groups in the east, central and west Java. The research findings pointed out that there was a relationship between the group survival and their adaptation, goal attainment, integration and latency functions. The group survival rates were higher in central and east Java than in west Java. Additionally, the vegetable and rice farmer group survival rates were higher than the soybean and corn farmer groups. The adaptation, the goal attainment and the integration functions were more strategic for farmer groups in the west and east Java and also for vegetable farmer groups such as soybean and corn group wereas the strategic function were adaptation and integration

    Pengaruh Penerapan Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Tingkat Kesehatan Dan Daya Saing Di Perbankan Indonesia

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    The research aims to analyse contribution of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) implementation in Indonesia banking industry and its healthiness as well as its competitiveness. The research employs case study approach with the objects of State-owned Banks, which are Bank Mandiri, BRI, and BNI compared to Private Banks, which are BCA and Bukopin. Stepwise regression test are applied to find the correlation between GCG, healthiness, dan competitiveness, while Kruskall Wallis test is used to find whether any significant difference exists between the banks. The result shows that GCG implementation, based on the statistical methods, has significant relationship with the healthiness, which are inherent risk profile and capital adequacy variable, also with the competitiveness, which are productivity, profitability, and market valuation variable

    Pengaruh Economic Shock Terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Pada Kantor Wilayah Pajak Di Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to analyse how far the economic shock influence upon the tax revenue performance in the regional tax office. The research is conducted using yearly time series data within 2002 to 2007 and also applying two indicators: Income Tax and Value Added Tax. By using the panel data analysis the result upon 31 Kanwil Directorate General of Tax (DGT) whole Indonesia it is known that the fluctuation variable of Tax Early Warning System (TEWS) gives positive effect to the tax income performance at Kanwil Khusus, Kanwil WP Besar 1 and 2, Kanwil Jakarta Selatan and Kanwil Jakarta Pusat. Overall the entire research result explains that Indonesia economic condition until he year of 2007 is still in the small open economy status and identically to New Keynes theory. The conclusion is as if the research about the Indonesia business cycle previously and consistent with the initial assumption applied

    Pengambilan Keputusan Waktu Panen pada Usaha Pembesaran Lobster di Pulau Lombok Provinsi NTB

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    Lobster sebagai komoditas yang berharga ditentukan oleh ukuran panjang dan berat. Di Indonesia, berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan No.1 / 2015, ukuran minimal lobster adalah memiliki panjang karapas 7cm dan berat 200 gram. Pelaku USAha pembesaran lobster justru tidak mentaati aturan yang ada, ukuran lobster yang dipanen justru ditentukan oleh permintaan pasar yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi risiko kematian lobster dan mempercepat waktu dalam memperoleh penghsilan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan analisis keputusan waktu panen lobster di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah model persamaan struktural sebagian least square (SEM PLS). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa keputusan untuk memanen lobster ditentukan oleh hubungan patron dengan klien, keterbatasan waktu, dan kompleksitas pekerjaan